Our first moderator was Dr. Bruce Turner.
The Lord used him in spearheading the movement from the start. His zeal, straightforwardness and jovial attitude in serving the Lord in the capacity of moderator provided a necessary leadership. While many recognized the need to step out, Bruce actually led the charge, and consequently, took the heat for those actions. Whatever God does with the [GIBF] fellowship in the future, we realize that we are forever indebted for the crucial contributions Bro. Turner offered.
-Rich Farinella, The Global Baptist Times
I was introduced and exposed to the preaching of Bro. Bruce Turner during my college days. It wasn't until January 2018 that I became well acquainted with Bro. and Mrs. Turner. He preached our annual revival. People were saved, the church was encouraged, altars were used and I as the pastor was left with a revived church family. Not once did Bro. Turner misuse a Bible text, abuse the time or berate God's people. It was without question a week of God's blessings. However, Bro. Turner is more than a preacher. He is a pastor's friend. He listens to the discouragements and heartaches. He will help and advise as he is asked and will encourage you throughout your time together. His wife will bless and encourage all the ladies, but especially, the pastor's wife. "My" church was left better than when Bro. Turner found it because of how he helped "my" church's pastor. Bro. Turner is my friend, confidant and counsellor.
-Pastor Caleb Shipman Gospel Light Baptist Church Mineral Wells, TX
I had the privilege of being trained by Bro. Bruce Turner in Bible college. Now, I have the honor to be pastor to Brother and Mrs. Turner. We are grateful to have him sent out as an evangelist from the church God used him and his family to plant 46 years ago.
Brother Turner and his wife have faithfully served the Lord in ministry for over 50 years. In his recent years as an evangelist God, has used him all over the country to be a blessing and help to pastors and churches. Brother Turner has been "preaching for revival" with messages that show the path to Biblical revival in and for our homes, our churches, and our nation.
I am confident that God will use Brother Turner to be a blessing and help to all who have him.
-Pastor Brian Crump Lighthouse Baptist Church Holbrook, MA
My wife, April, and I had the privilege of working for Pastor Bruce Turner at West Gate Baptist Church in Tampa, FL, for about three and a half years. We have many fond memories of this time and look back on it as a highlight in our lives.
As a newly-married couple at that time, we look back with gratitude at the way we were treated. Pastor Turner treated us each with respect and it was a wonderful environment where our new marriage could grow and mature. Pastor Turner was generous to us and made personal sacrifices along the way to make sure that we were paid in some of the difficult times. He was gracious with time off when our first child was born and when there was a death in the family. Pastor and Mrs. Turner taught us many things as a young couple and made us feel part of the church family and part of their family.
As employees, we look back with gratitude for the many opportunities we were given. Pastor Turner provided opportunities to lead, to take ownership, and to develop areas of responsibility. He allowed us to choose areas which interested us in which to serve. He was more than willing to hear our opinions and feedback. He made sure that we had training and encouragement along the way.
As a pastor-in-training, I look back with gratitude at Pastor Turner’s commitment to The Great Commission, to evangelization, to doctrinal purity, to church planting, and to sound preaching of the Word of God. There was, and is, no question regarding his dedication to the church as founded by Jesus Christ. There was, and is, no doubt about his commitment to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”
When God moved us to California, Pastor Turner was extremely gracious and led the church in sending us out with heartfelt encouragement and a generous love offering.
Since that time, we have had the opportunity to host him twice at our church plant in Patterson, CA. His preaching has always been Bible-based, strong, and uplifting. He definitely helped our church both times. We can’t wait to have him back again!
-Pastor Tim Benefield
Brother Turner is a man of God’s Word, a friend to God’s pastors and a help to God’s churches. Perhaps the best recommendation I can give comes from a man in our church, now with the Lord, after Brother Turner’s first meeting with us. He approached me the final night and said cheerfully, “Pastor, have him back!” Invite Brother Turner to your church. You’ll want to have him back.
-Pastor Marvin
Bruce Turner has preached revival at Highland multiple times over the past seven years. Guest preachers are vital to the lifeblood of a Church, and God has worked powerfully through Bro. & Mrs. Turner in our lives. With the Lord’s leadership we support Brother Turner’s ministry monthly, and request him back regularly because: he walks with the Holy Spirit; Loves the Lord and personally practices what he preaches; Knows, studies and loves the Word of God; Continues to be transformed by growing in his personal walk with the Lord; Has a shepherd’s heart for our members, while promoting their relationship with their Pastor; his preaching is bold, sincere, relevant, and relational...and Brother Turner is a servant of the Lord and a Friend to pastors!
- Guy Coupé, Pastor of Highland Baptist in Hobbs, NM
Brother Bruce Turner has blessed our congregation every time he has preached for me. I have had him for revivals and other big days. He has always stirred our church to good works. I am thankful for his experience as a pastor and evangelist it allows him to preach a scripturally relevant message to the congregation whether young or old. He knows how to handle the Word and will edify you and your people.
I highly recommend him,
-Pastor Merv McNair of Lighthouse Baptist Church Lebanon, Indiana.
Brother Bruce Turner is a faithful servant of God who has served the Lord since he was a teenage boy. He served very effectively as a Song Leader and Assistant Pastor in his early years of ministry and then he had 37 years of fruitful ministry as Pastor in Massachusetts and Florida. He is known across the country as a man of God who preaches the Word of God with great power and passion. Brother Turner did many meetings across the country and around the world while pastoring, and he has continued to be a blessing to churches since stepping away from pastoring. I can highly recommend him for Revivals, Youth Camps, Missions Conferences, and any other service where you want the Word of God preached with fervor and power.
-Frank Wood Pastor Emeritus Whittier Lane Baptist Church New Castle, Indiana